Desert Sky Elementary School loves an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and we encourage all parents/guardians to become involved. The group provides an arena in which parents and staff actively work together to create a positive, meaningful learning environment for all students.
Our PTO raises funds for worthwhile projects, organizes volunteer efforts that benefit our students, and creates new opportunities for our students. Purchasing a PTO membership for your family ensures that the Desert Sky Elementary PTO will be able to continue to serve our students.
PTO meets on a regular basis during the school year as planned by the board. Check the school Class Dojo page for dates, times, and links.
Follow the PTO on Facebook & Instrgram!
Meetings & Membership
PTO meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. at Desert Sky Elementary.
Parents and teachers are invited to join the PTO. Your voice matters!
The bylaws for Desert Sky PTO include information about officers, meetings, finances and more.
2023-24 Officers:
President: Stephanie Weaver
Vice President: Danielle MacDonald
Secretary: Brittany Moos-Johnson
Treasurer: Ann Bourgeois